Posts written by Magikarp©

  1. .
    Test 01 - il mio personaggio maschile preferito (anche classifica)

    3 - Baam/Jyu Viole Grace
    È il nostro protagonista, è un badass da chilo (ultimamente), ed il futuro Dio della torre. Caratterizzato efficacemente, uno stile di disegno definito, BackGround molto efficace e con molti foreshadowing, come si può non amarlo? Forse troppo nello stile di un tipico personaggio Shounen, credo il suo meglio lo abbia dato con l'inizio della seconda season.

    2 - Koon Aguero Agnis

    Decisamente un gradino sopra a Baam, per quanto riguarda personalità e stile. La sua storia è molto interessante e presto credo avremo modo di vedere di più rispetto al suo passato (con la storia delle principesse), è un genietto ed eccelle nel combattimento (tenere testa ad hatsu non è cosa da poco). Mi dispiace che col trascorrere della seconda stagione abbia avuto meno rilievo il suo lato strategico, limitando a qualche piano o rifliessione. Sono ancora curioso per quello scatto nel test della corona comunque :feels:

    1 - Headon (è maschio almeno? credo. lol)
    Ok, inaspettato. Ammetto che ci sono un sacco di contendenti, ma il più interessante è sicuramente lui. Lui che seleziona i regolari, che tiene il test di ingresso e che probabilmente tira più fila di quelle che pensiamo. Il design l'ho sempre personalmente adorato, un po' meno il fatto non abbia dato da Rachel in pasto all'anguilla ad inizio ToG :asd: Attualmente lo vedo un po' come i clown di tokyo Ghoul, sembra il suo unico obiettivo sia creare una qualche azione nella torre, che sia caos, dramma o una rivoluzione. Sicuramente, mi aspetto grandi cose da lui.
  2. .
    A quanto pare il nostro imbattibile sovranno ha le minnie :nono:
  3. .
    Capisco che per voi "babbani" possa suonare strano, ma questo mistico nome discende da arcani che non siete ancora pronti a scoprire... La sua conoscenza è data solametne ai due fondatori :saske: Forse quando saremo in rank 1 potremo riparlarne :king:
  4. .
    Benvenuto! :king:
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    Tower of God S2ch190 Rough Translations

    Pedro confirmed to be Stand user

    ..For victory some sacrifices are needed..
    at the very least.

    Take it back.
    At least that man fought for you.

    and risked their lives for trash like you..!!

    Hell Train
    - Dollar Show -


    The submarine has now passed the 10-point mark!!

    You.. trash. / I can’t understand how you can use other people’s sufferings and sacrifices just like that!!

    I will now start announcing the count!!

    You are just using those excuses to justify cruelty!

    How could anyone sacrifice themselves for you!!

    Keukeuk. You think so?

    But that’s exactly what is happening now, right?


    I’m rescuing him..!



    No, Baam!!

    That guy’s from the other team!!


    [He’s faster than before..!]

    He descended?!

    자.. 잠깐 적이잖아!!

    Don’t, Baam-!!

    [He’s an enemy!! / And besides, it’s already too late!!]


    [It’s no use-!!]
    [At this rate, Rachel would only need to raise the height of the solution and you’ll die!]

    Koon-ssi!! Open the submarine!!

    [I don’t want to! Why should I spend 10 dollars for the enemy team..!]

    [Please Rachel..!]
    [Don’t adjust the height of the solution!!]

    [Pleae don’t press open-!!]



    Team Viole has paid 10 dollars!!
    The door of the submarine will now open!!


    [Blue turtle..!]


    What is he doing!!

    Helping the enemy team..!!

    What the..

    Co.. congratulations! / Hoaquin team will receive 10 dollars for rescuing the hostage!

    …That’s right.
    That’s just like you. Black turtle.

    Damn..! It’s all screwed up.
    I should have been anxious from the beginning..

    I told you. Baam is different from you.
    To Baam, even if it’s the enemy who is going to die, he won’t be able to just leave them alone. / But I’m surprised that you opened the submarine.

    Maybe you got infected by his good-heartedness?

    Urgh- shit..!
    I can’t believe I did that. / It’s not good to be so kind-hearted..

    …I take that back.

    Shut up.. you
    didn’t pay 10 dollars to raise the height of the solution]

    You could have killed Baam with 10 dollars.. / Why didn’t you?


    Could you be having some lingering regret after such a long time..
    ..Just what on earth is your objective?

    You certainly tried to kill Baam before. But why didn’t you this time..?

    You really hated Baam, right?

    …I want to make sure what you’re doing.
    You’re acting weirdly. / I don’t know what you’re planning to use Baam for.

    …It was Baam who chased after me.
    I’m not kidding myself.

    You know, right?


    that Baam followed me by his own will-

    Ok.. then let’s do this.

    Whatever Baam decides to do in this game / from now on, I will follow him.

    What was he thinking? / Why did he save the enemy?

    I don’t know.. 게임을 떠나서 사람이 죽는 건 두고 볼 수 없단 건가.. / In any case, it’s clear that..
    he.. has increased his acceleration with every descent

    Isn’t that strange? When he’s in such an exhausted state..

    Perhaps this is the first time he has experienced such an extreme situation that his killing intent / is dragging out his hidden powers-

    That was incredible.
    How charitable of you to save an enemy.

    But didn’t you consider that you’re going to lose your teammates by doing that?


    will save them too.


    Everyone here!! / I will go and save them all!!

    Nobody here will be sacrificed for the sake of your victory!!


    Because nobody here should be sacrificed just for someone like you!!

    Follow Baam’s decisions?


    If Baam wants to save everybody / then I will keep on opening the submarines.

    Don’t be ridiculous.
    If you keep on saving our hostages, then you’ll just be giving us 30 dollars. / Doing that would absolutely make you lose.

    That’s right. But that is Baam’s way of doing things / This is the type of person whom you rejected and pushed away.
    So I will continue to follow Baam’s decisions. / From now on, this is not a game between me and you..

    but a game “between you and Baam”.



    losing here- means losing to Baam.

    The sacrifice that I know is different from the sacrifice that you’re talking about!
    Being able to give up even your own life for the people you love, that’s what sacrifice is! / It’s far more valuable and greater than what you say it is..!!

    So nobody in here


    should be forced to sacrifice themselves for you!!

    You’re wrong!!
    That’s why I’m going to save everyone here to defeat you-!!


    You really are so annoying-

    Oho- / You’re standing up so confidently?

    ..I cannot sit still in such a situation / Princess.

    [A FUG ranker..]
    [He was too reserved that it was hard to obtain other information about him]

    [He just stood up without any hesitation]
    [That freaky eye..]

    I decline the command to be subjugated..
    Zahard’s rankers will come here if you die.. That’s against the bet.

    Huh, you don’t need to worry about that / I am personally going to subjugate you.. there’s no way I’ll die. / It’s a fight between me and you.

    [How confident you are, Ha Yuri Zahard.]
    [Well you are one of the most promising high rankers in the Tower.]

    [On the other hand, I’m just some no-name ranker from FUG]
    [In her eyes, my existence must be like a sardine in front of a shark]

    But I am no sardine..
    Instead, I am more of a pufferfish

    One so venomous that can even drive a giant shark to death-

    Be careful, princess. / He’s definitely hiding something..!

    Yeah, yeah. You always say that.

    …And yet you keep on rushing in as you like.


    that’s just how it is-

    Now let’s have some fun-!

    The shinsoo was sucked in..!

    was just a light swing..!


    Such explosive power…!!


    One more-!!

    And another!!

    Oh- / He endured all that..!

    ?! That’s..?

    I am also from the Ha Family, Princess..

    Princess, something is-!

    I would have been in danger..

    at his back!!

    if your fists directly hit me.


    What is that monster..!?

    …It looks like a ****.

    Princess!! You should be more elegant with your choice of words..!

    This is a battle observer that Karaka-nim has bestowed upon me for this mission / “Purple Dementor”
    As the Train conductor, I have the authority to use.. a forbidden weapon..! / Would you like to test its strength which is feared even by high rankers?

    That’s what you think, freaky eyes. / Fine. I’ll finish this quickly then find out where Baam is. Minnow.

    It wouldn’t go as you please..! Princess..!!
  6. .
    "Non si dispone dei permessi necessari per accedere a questo Pad" :rage:
  7. .
    Behindthelight Questo pad? :protestt:
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    Poco figo insomma :wub:
  9. .
    Diciamo che l'originale webcomic disegnato da ONE attualmente è lunga più del doppio di quella corrente, anche se ultimamente esce veramente raramente. Quella ridisegnata da Murata, è supportata da diversi capitoli extra e filler arc, proprio come questa di Metal bat e del torneo. Comunque, essendo il tutto scritto da One stesso resta fedele all'originale
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    Melma mi fa peccato non poterti dire nulla perchè sono spoiler ma e prossime arc sono veramente fantastiche :asd: Anche se quella corrente diciamo è un "filler", non è presente nella saga originale di One
  11. .
    :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo: :woowoo:
  12. .
    Quindi praticamente Kasak ha sbattuto la "piccola" Samphati nel crescent con i sura del caos? Oppure sono scomparsi quando è stata uccisa la madre di Yuta?
    Comunque sia, Kasak master troller :auguri:
  13. .
    Il disoccupato è Saitama 3 anni fa :asd:
  14. .
    Volevo farvi notare che c'è una buona probabilità che Vicente e Wangnan abbiano con loro uno dei fratelli. Guardate questa pagina

    È proprio lo specchio che parla. Inoltre, interrompe l'esclamazione di Wangan.
  15. .
    Non volevo interrompere la storia riguardante White & co. ma volevo solo fare notare (se non è gia stato detto) che l'attacco apparentemente casuale di Daniel probabilmente era mirato al provocare rumore in modo tale da poter attirare Wangnan
350 replies since 11/3/2013