Posts written by alligatore3

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    Tutti i capitoli sono stati tradotti in inglese
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    CITAZIONE (Levo Regna @ 20/2/2023, 01:51) 
    Ma quindi:
    - yas è vivo ? Non era morto dopo lo scontro con traumerei ?

    No, è stato ferito mortalmente ma aveva detto che gli resta ancora qualche mese di vita.

    - rivelato il nome del capitano ? Icaro ? O si aggiunge alla lista il 4arto principe ?

    Boh... Vedremo, curioso che sia lo stesso nome che Rachel aveva usato nel piano nascosto.

    - traumerei possibile alleato di Baam? I ricordi saranno legati a V e Arlen ?

    Probabile siano legati a loro a questo punto.
  3. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 139


    -Traumerei dice a Baam la condizione per partecipare: deve rapire una donna e rinchiuderla in una stanza dell'hotel.
    Si tratta di Laura, la madre di Shilial e figlia di Ravadon.
    Traum dice che se Baam non la rapisce, lei verrà comunque uccisa da Traumerei.
    -Baam la rapisce e rinchiude nella camera.
    -Kirin dice a Traumerei che Baam ha avuto successo, allora Traumerei gli chiede di informare del rapimento i capi branca, Ravadon e "serpente della riva".
    -Arrivano ragazze che parteciperanno al torneo: prima 2 scelte dai capi branca Lo Po Bia, poi quelle che sono state chiamate da Jinsung: una reporter di guerra, una ragazza del FUG, una a cui i LPB hanno ammazzato il capofamiglia, una mercenaria che combatte contro i LPB, una alla cui famiglia i LPB hanno rubato un animale... (Solo quella del FUG ha un design carino) e Endorsi.
    -Alla fine si vede un tizio bianco ricoperto da serpenti che dice ai serpenti di uccidere Baam e tutte le tizie nell'hotel.

    Coming soon
  4. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 138


    -Yuri si incazza per il matrimonio di Baam e spacca tutto, pensa che non può andare a trovarlo perché è in punizione e se andasse sarebbe la fine per lei
    -Gustang incontra Khun, gli dice del torneo e che vuole infiltrarsi nella nave madre dei Lo Po Bia e recuperare Baam.
    Gustang gli dice che quel libro sul principe di Zahard dice cose vere.
    Gustang propone a Khun di andare e in cambio lo libererà e insabbierà la storia di aver letto il libro eretico.
    Con Khun andrà anche Po Bidau Tiara, l'unica Po Bidau a cui è stato proposto di diventare principessa di Zahard dall'incidente di Enne (Ha rifiutato ma è conosciuta come la principessa dei Po Bidau).

    Coming soon
  5. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 137


    -Baam flexa contro Ren, lo scontro viene interrotto da JamJam, nonostante Baam fosse pronto a continuare.
    Ren viene portato in una stanza e dice di aver ricevuto la notizia del torneo in anticipo.
    -A mandare la notizia del torneo in giro è stato Jinsung, che ha avvertito gente che pensava avrebbe voluto opporsi o gente che in generale odia i Lo Po Bia.
    Traumerei pensa che non ci siano problemi in quanto ha intenzione di uccidere tutte le partecipanti (escluse le principesse) prima dell'inizio del torneo, così non ci sarà neanche bisogno di farlo.
    Traumerei si fa dare la lista della gente a cui Jinsung ha mandato l'invito.
    -Tra le persone c'è anche Yuri che quando ha ricevuto il messaggio stava davanti a un tempio di una tribù della torre. È stata mandata lì contro la sua volontà ed è attualmente in punizione.

    Baam: For a Ranker serving King Zahard, you're coming in awfully loudly. I felt Shinsu so filled with bloodlust you could wake a sleeping baby, so I was curious who it was, and it was you.
    Ren: What the... what is this brat..?!
    Baam: It's been a while, Mr. Ren.
    Ren: Why does he look so strong..?!
    Baam: Are you here for me?

    Season 3 - Lo Po Bia Ren 2

    Ren: What is this brat?! I did hear the outrageous rumors that he defeated a Ranker, but he should still be only a Regular...
    Baam: Mr. Lo Po Bia Ren, you used to be an instructor at the Floor of Tests. I only found out later than you were an assassin of the House of Zahard.
    Ren: Why does he look so at ease and strong!?
    Baam: Just for having been born to a Princess of Zahard, you tried to kill Anaak, and you even tried to hurt Androssi. I know you are absolutely evil.
    Ren: Oh~ And so what!? Are you telling me you're gonna try to take revenge against me for that or something?! I am of the most secretive unit in all of Zahard's Armies, the Royal Enforcement Division!!
    [Fight Scene]
    Ren (internal): Damn... It's not that I don't see gaps in his movement... but I just can't get in there. It feels like he's hiding something more..! But... I don't want to admit it.
    Ren (speaking): Normally, as a Ranker, I trust my intuition when it comes to sensing danger. But not today. A Ranker, sensing danger from a mere Regular? No... I could never... admit that.. Wouldn't you agree?!!!
    (Jamjam bonks Ren)
    Ren: Keuk!! W... who are you!!
    Jamjam: I am the General Manger of this Hotel, Advanced Ranker Lo Po Bia Jamjam.
    Ren: A Lo Po Bia Advanced Ranker...!
    Jamjam: I don't know who you are, but as the General Manager of this Hotel, under no circumstances will I allow acts that interfere with the safety and sound sleep of our guests. I cordially sugggest that you leave this room.
    Ren: You want me to... leave? Me, not him?
    Jamjam: Yes. He's a guest of this hotel, and you are an intruder. I suggest you leave...
    Ren(KaRen mode): This is the Lo Po Bia Mothership, and instead of that FUG underling, you're asking someone of our family, someone in dilligent service to the House of Zahard, to get out? I'm not going out now. The one that should get out...
    Jamjam: Oh dear... Did it survive?!
    Ren: is this one!!
    (Baam blows up some of Ren's worms)
    Ren: ...So easily..!
    Jamjam: Did I not need bother..
    Beem: Mr. Ren, you don't necesarily need to leave. I think I would like to continue too.
    Ren: This... irreverant bastard...!!
    Jamjam: Now now, enough of that from both of you. How about we stop fighting here, lest we wake up the Family Head.
    Ren: What?! The Family Head?! I... is he asleep somewhere nearby!?
    Jamjam: He is asleep somewhere connected to here... but. Don't you think he could awaken if he heard some noise from here? I need not remind you how grave the consequences are for disturbing the Family Head's sleep. I will lead you to your temporary place of imprisonment. Follow me.
    Ren: ... I will definitely be the one killing you.
    Narrator: Early morning the next day, the room where Lo Po Bia ren is imprisoned.
    Jamjam: I see. You received the message that day, and you immediately came over to the Mothership... and you don't know who sent the message?
    Ren: If I knew I would have hunted them down first. It was news I couldn't trust. Of course, when I did see the Slayer Candidate come out of the station and realized that stupid news was true, I did get fucking pissed.
    Jamjam: Hmm... We haven't sent any messages out from our end yet... In that short time the Family Head was on the move, who could have accessed the information and spread the message this much, it would have to have been one of the people in the ship with Princess Lilial... I'll have to mention it in the report to the Family Head tomorrow.

    Narrator: Morning
    Traumerai: ... I see. The information's already been leaked. I understand, Jamjam. Someone who could spread information in that short amount of time to specific people... I can only think of one person. Bring me Ha Jinsung.
    Ha Jinsung: You've called for me, Family Head.
    Traumerai: Yes. I noticed you made a move while en route to the Mothership. A message to the Royal Enforcement Division. It was you, wasn't it?
    Ha Jinsung: Yes. I wrote it. I also sent anonymously reports to a few news medias.
    Traumerai: ... I believe I said I will prepare that myself, what are you thinking, failing to wait that short amount of time and spreading it already?
    Ha Jinsung: A month for preparations, isn't that meaningless anyway? In that month the war will begin, and you will find a way to use Viole in that war. So I sent a message to those who would likely be in opposition to this wedding. I sent them an approximate location of the ship's current location based on the direction of travel as well. I didn't break a promise with you, Family Head. Since you do not seem to be interested in keeping your promise with me, I simply stepped up and gathered contestants myself. Feel free to punish me, but I hope you do hold the competition you promised, Family Head.
    Traumerai: Ha Jinsung, I've noticed this about you for a long time now, but you are truly fearless. If I kill you now, it will be difficult to control the Slayer Candidate, so I will let you live. But, do pass along the list of places and people you contacted to Jamjam. I will not ask about this incident any further.
    Ha Jinsung: Understood, Family Head. This...
    Traumerai: Go.
    Ha Jinsung: Yes sir. ( He took it better than I thought.)
    Traumerai: That child is the same as always. Talk is just a formality for him. He still thinks he can make a difference in the fate we set. He's merely throwing a tantrum, same then, same now. He knows in the end nothing changes. Jamjam.
    Jamjam: Yes, Family Head!
    Traumerai: Take the list from Ha Jinsung, and prepare the gates so they can come. I do question how he was able to ascertain the location of the ship... but since this is an opportunity for us to remove all who would be opposed to this marriage and give us justification, so this works in our favor.
    Jamjam: Yes sir...! N... now then... About the Mudflat Snake...
    Traumerai: Proceed as planned. I don't know who or how many people Ha Jinsung called, but the fates for all who've come here except for the princesses are already decided. A massacre. If the participents are all dead, no need to have the contest either. Bring me the Slayer Candidate, Jamjam.
    Jamjam: Yes sir.

    Narrator: That night, in the room of Jamjam the Hotel General Manager
    Jamjam: Hmm... the list of people Ha Jinsung sent the news to... It doesn't look like anybody else will pose a significant problem, but this one, may be a bit difficult.
    ( Yuri Zahard )
    Narrator: A few days ago, in an uncivilized area in the Middle Tower
    Extras: We're warning you!! This is a sacred temple for the god of our tribe!! If you come any closer, the most cruel punishment in all of the Tower will befall you!! We warn you, intruder!!
    Yuri: Do you think I want to be here? I'm only doing this because I'm being told to. What era do you think this is? Having a daughter misbehave doesn't mean you can make her serve as a white-shirt!! Damn it!!
    TL/N: "Service as a white-shirt" was a punishment for military officers in Joseon Dynasty Korea, where they were demoted to the lowest enlisted rank, or a "white-shirt", as an probationary act.
    Narrator: Princess of Zahard, Yuri Zahard
    Yuri: This is so unfair!!
    Narrator: In service as a white-shirt (In probation)
    Yuri: Let's try to make this quick.

    Edited by alligatore3 - 22/2/2023, 11:29
  6. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 136


    -Yama e Doom si stanno nascondendo tra i tizi bestia e Karaka, Dowon, Hansung e Yasratcha stanno nascosti nel mondo di Karaka. Sono diretti all'esercito dei Lo Po Bia.
    -introdotto uno dei capi dell'esercito dei Lo Po Bia (LPB Ravadon), è il bisnonno di Lilial. Viene informato della morte del tizio ucciso da Yama e deduce che Yama e gli altri devono essersi infiltrati.
    C'è anche il nipote (cugino di Lilial) con cui discute della guerra.
    -Baam e Lilial vengono portati in un hotel a 8 stelle gestito da Lo Po Bia JamJam, un top ranker. Tutti i partecipanti al torneo pernotteranno in questo hotel assieme anche a Traumerei.
    -Compare Lo Po Bia Ren che vuole assassinare Baam, ma fa casino e lo sveglia. Scena finale con Baam che saluta Ren e dietro di lui si vedono i due thryssa e leviathan.

    PBBellerir (monologue): A show. Yes. This is a clearly artificial show. The Po Bidau family has been traditional guardians of history and knowledge. What they hate the most is fabrication of history. Charging them with spreading it, this is a shallow show that serve to foster the animocity against the Lo Po Bia Family. Even without this show, none here would dare oppose a war that the Head of the Family desires. But right now, the Family head wants to start a war the family is at least a little more ready for. This war is such that the Family Head cares about something trivial like public opinion -
    PBB (out loud): How masterful, father. You lit the flames of war yourself.
    PBB (Monologue): A war of a magnitude never before seen. This war could see the end of one of the Ten Family Heads.

    Season 3 - Lo Po Bia Ren

    Narrator: A transport vessel.
    ???: Attention all troops onboard!! We will soon arrive at the rendezvous point!! Prepare to disembark!!

    Narrator: Within Karaka's world of darkness.
    Karaka: (To Yasracha, Dowon, Yu Hansung) It seems they're arriving soon.
    Floor 44, the rendezvous point, somewhere far from the Lo Po Bia Mothership.

    Lo Po Bia Robadon's Ship, Lo Po Bia Army Theater Command
    Grand Tamer Lo Po Bia Robadon, Theater Commander
    ???: General. The transports containing the beastkin are soon arriving at the rendezvous point. However, one of the ships have a special...
    Lo Po Bia Robadon: I know. The ship arrived and the their Tamer was dead, rigth?
    ???: Yes. The culprits must have escaped.
    Robadon: ... There is no way they escaped. They must have blended in among the beastkin. I do not enjoy losing manpower, but once the ship comes in, execute all beastkin in there.
    ???: Sir yes sir!
    Robadon: THen you are dismissed.
    ???: Excuse me... sir. I know this may be the wrong place to ask, but I have something to ask of you as your grandson.
    Robadon: What is it?
    Lo Po Bia Kadede: Why are you moving all forces under our theater-level command away from the Mothership at a critical time like this?
    Commander, Unit Three, I Corps, Lo Po Bia Army. Grandson of Lo Po Bia Kadede.
    K: We're already hearing rumors from the Mothership that we're abandoning the Mothership and deserting from battle. The Family head has Aunt Lora under house arrest as hostage, my cousins who are princesses of Zahard were called back to the Mothership... Are the rumors true? Do you plan on betraying the head of our family, grandfather? You've spent your whole life for our Family Head. Grandfather, you are a super direct descent, how could you!!
    Robadon: What is the answer you want to hear, Kadede?
    Kadede: Excuse me?
    Robadon: The destination of our movements cannot be disclosed to a unit commander. That's classified information. If you want to hear what I am thinking, I cannot explain it in words either. What you've seen will have more value than my words. If you have trusted me until now as a commander, say no more and follow.
    Kadede: ... Understood, sir.
    Robadon: Soon, war will start. This will be a battle like no other. We must face the fear of an unwinnable enemy, a family head, as we enter battle. The side that loses their family head will lose everything. This goes for them as well. We must strike at each other's greatest weaknesses with all our mights. We will strike at the family head's weakness.
    Narrator: The docks, the Mothership.
    Baam: This is incredible. I've never seen a dock this big before.
    Lilial: What are you so surprised about, there's dozens of docks this big around.
    Baam: D... dozens!?
    Lilial: Of course. This is the Lo Po Bia Family Mothership.

    Lo Po Bia Keruru: I heard you were coming. // Princess Lilial! And guests of the Family Head!
    N: Dugong Driver Lo Po Bia Keruru
    Keruru: Allow me to escort you!!
    (Dugong licks Baam.)
    Cha: Woah!! S... stop it!
    Lilial: Just take it. Pink Dugong saliva has an antibiotic function, so it wipes away any kind of external germs that you might be bringing in.
    Keruru: Wait, where is the Family Head...
    Lilial: There's no way the Family Head would move with us, don't you think? He probably just teleported there ahead of us, so you'll just need to take us.
    Keruru: I see... Well, all aboard. We'll take you to your quarters.
    Baam: We're... riding that?
    Baam: This is inside the Mothership... // This place is so big.
    Lilial: It's been a while since I've been on the Mothership... Mother... I hope you're doing well.

    N: The Hotel.
    Keruru: Right this way. Above here is an elevator only for you, Princess, and Lord Baam. Please, take this elevator. The other two may remain in the room on this floor.
    Lilial: Don't come any closer.
    Baam (channeling Viole Energy): I'm not.
    Lilial: I heard from our Family Head. You're competing too?
    Baam: Yes.
    Lilial: Confident, are you? With that kind of talent?
    Baam: A little. (No, actually, really, REALLY confident.)

    ???: Ah, you've arrived.
    Baam/Lilial: A dragonfly?
    Jahm-Jahm: Welcome to Hotel Viridis Pharus. I am the manager of this hotel as well as the test administrator of this event, The Dragonfly Preparer of Sleeping Places, Lo Po Bia Jahm-Jahm.
    TL/N: This is a pun. Please clap.
    N: Advanced Ranker, Lo Po Bia Jahm-Jahm
    JJ: Mosquito.
    Baam: Mosquito..!?
    JJ: Please, follow me. This hotel only serves guests invited by the Family Head himself. You can call this a 7-star or an 8-star hotel. Anyway, those who we host here are the most distinguished guests.
    Baam: Most distinguished hotel and the most distinguished hotel manager...
    JJ: Mosquito. Even among them, few have been to the Penthouse, a place that has been seldom used until now. In the numerous accomodations at the Lo Po Bia Mothership, this is the only place where you can access the outside. Mosquito. Behold!
    N: Penthouse, Hotel Viridis Pharus. The Gate Hall.
    JJ: This is the gate you will use when you go outside. From now on, you are not permitted to use the exit at your accomodations. This gate will only connect to the outside with our permission. To your left are your accomodations. There are a few more rooms, but only four are ready for guests right now. The other contestants shall be arriving by gate before the events begin.
    Lilial: There's four rooms set up right now...? Are you saying more people are coming here?
    JJ: Well, one guest is already here from what I've heard, and we will be receiving another distinguished guest soon, I've heard.
    Lilial: ...Who could it be...?
    JJ: Also, on that door on the other side. That door is also a sort of a gate, but it only has one destination. That is the room to the Family Head.
    Lilial: What? Th.. the room to the Family Head? A, are you telling me that the Family Head can come here in person? He's famous for avoiding people, why...
    Baam: She tenses up so much when anyone talks about her family head...
    JJ: Yes. But it has been exceedingly rare for the Family Head to enter through that door in person. You may use that door too, but that door will not open without the Family Head's permission. Yet, there is a high chance that door will be used in this competition. This competition's grand test administrator is none other than the Family Head himself. Well then, I shall be guiding you to your quarters. Guests, please come this way. Mosquito.
    Lo Po Bia Ren: The hunt begins.
    N: Dawn that day. Baam's Room.
    Ren: Let's see... He's sleeping like a baby. The brat who dishonored our family... Oh? Even after I kill him, I'll be sure to roll you around in my mouth like hard candy before I chew and gobble you up.
    Baam: For a Ranker serving King Zahard, you're coming in awfully loudly. I felt Shinsu so filled with bloodlust you could wake a sleeping baby, so I was curious who it was, and it was you.
    Ren: What the... what is this brat..?!
    Baam: It's been a while, Mr. Ren.
    Ren: Why does he look so strong..?!
    Baam: Are you coming for me?

    Edited by alligatore3 - 20/2/2023, 11:10
  7. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 135


    -Gustang fa una lettura pubblica e tutti i Po Bidau vanno a vederlo, ci sono anche i capi branca dei Lo Po Bia
    -Gustang dice che i Lo Po Bia hanno diffuso questo libro eretico e che vogliono diffondere menzogne, e che si sono infiltrati nella nave madre, rivelando davanti a tutta la famiglia i capi branca dei Lo Po Bia lì presenti (fino ad ora aveva fatto finta di non sapere chi fossero)
    -Gustang dichiara guerra ai Lo Po Bia
    -Perseus e Pudidy vengono ammazzati da Gustang, Haland viene risparmiato per mandare il messaggio della dichiarazione di guerra a Traumerei

    Narrator: Three days after Khun was captured // Po Bidau Mothership Public Library.
    Lo Po Bia Pudidy: This is such a drag.It's books for breakfast, lunch, dinner here. Who the hell even started this event?
    Holan: It's their family head himself. Apparently he's been at this since they Ten Family Heads were still climbing the Tower...
    Pudidy: I think I'm starting to understand why our family head wants to fight the Po Bidau family.
    Extra: Are you heading in now, our castaway guests?
    Pudidy: ...! Hello.
    Extra: Are you finding inner peace from these books?
    Pudidy: Ah, uh, yeah, sure.. Thanks to these books we're finding a shit load of inner peace. (I sleep well every night.)
    Extra: Now that I think about it, you are lucky, castaway guests.
    Holan: Excuse me?
    Extra: You came to the mothership at the perfect timing, getting to see the Family Head himself conduct a Book Recital.
    Pudidy: The Family Head himself?
    Extra: Yes. Soon, the family head will conduct a Book Recital // and all aboard the Mothership will come to watch.

    Season 3 - Declaration of War 2

    Narrator: Last Week of Book Recital Season, The day of the Family Head's Book Recital.
    Pudidy: Yet more books... What a headache... // I get that they're an entire family of bookworms, but do they really need to have the head of the family come read for them too, right? How long is the thing?
    Holan: 6 hours. Because he had to cancel last time, they're having an extended session this time apparently.
    Pudidy: Damn it! This is insane!! FUCK!!
    Holan: But if you think about it, we're seeing the head of the Po Bidau family in person for six whole hours. This would be unthinkable for our family head.
    Pudidy: Well, yeah, but that's not unique to our family. Having the head of the familiy make so many public appearnaces is certainly unique to the Po Bidau family. Even the Ha Family, you don't get to see the family head unless you're a finalist at their Martial Arts tournament... // I mean, our family head may be a shut in, but at least he's better at chess than theirs.
    (Big Ship Glowing)
    Pudidy: That's him..! // He's...
    Perseus: I've only seen him in pictures...
    Narrator: Head of the Po Bidau Family
    Po Bidau Gustang: Be silent,
    Narrator: Po Bidau Gustang...!
    PBG: And heed these words.
    Narrator: Those were heavy and quiet first words. He did not raise his voice, but those first words were enough for all gathered there to feel an enormous power.
    PBG: The First Chapter.
    PBG: Hear these words. "In this place - a band of evildoers have been hidden among us. From another family, they come, spreading heretical rumors, and have defiled history. In the name of curiosity they have distorted truth, and with crude smiles and laughter they seek to hide their sins.
    Pudidy: What is he talking about? It doesn't sound like he's reading from a book, more like...
    PBG: In various places throught the Mothership, unauthorized Book Recitals are taking place in secret, and every one of those Book Recitals had this book there. This is a forbidden book. I have traced those who have smuggled in these forbidden books into the mothership and spread them in the Mothership.
    Khun AA: It's that book I saw from before..!
    PBG: Most of them were related to the Lo Po Bia Family. This was uncovered by the Public Order Task Force. These people have been in collusion with children of heretics from our family, and these books have been found in their studies as well. In addition to this, we have hidden among as branch heads of the Lo Po Bia Army. They have hidden their identities
    Pudidy: What...?!
    PBG: And pretended they were ordinary castaways as they came aboard.
    Pudidy: Th... this is...
    PBG: Come forth, heretics of the Lo Po Bia.
    Pudidy: this is a trap!!
    Extras: Kyaa!! What's that big monster? This is really happening!! Branch Heads of the Lo Po Bia Family, in the Mothership!! It's was the castaways!! They tricked us by saying they were poor castaways!!
    Pudidy: Damn it... This is crazy. He knew who we were all along, and pretended not to know on purpose.
    PBG: You dare show yourself before me, knowing not how high the ceiling is, when the only rightful place for you is the ground where you shalt crawl, like the insects you are.
    Pudidy: To reveal our identities at the perfect moment...!
    PBG: Heed my words. In the Mothership, there are many rumors about the war with Lo Po Bia Army, and because this could become a total war with Zahard's Army or another one of the Ten Families as well, many fear it. But I ask you this: What does our family exist for? We take letters of truth, bind them one page at a time into books, and ensure those books transcend time and get passed down throught the generations. Is this not the source of we the Po Bidau Family? At the face of those who spread false history, and fabricate truth, will you turn a blind eye to their fall out of a fear of war? No. In order to protect truth, we may sacrifice ourselves to create an ocean of blood, but we shall not allow the sanctuary of our libraries be violated. Burning lies, and shedding light to truth: this is the purpose of we, the Po Bidau Family.
    PBG: We fight against lies! Heed my words!! I declare from atop this cradle of knowledge!! The Lo Po Bia Family is spreading false history! To fight lies and heresy, we will fight the Lo Po Bia Family!!

    Pudidy: This is bad... They have us completely trapped... But we can't let them just kill us!! Mal! Holan!! We escape now!!
    Holan: Yes sir..!
    Light Green: Damn it!! Go for broke!!
    Narrator: The White Horse of Perseus - Persheron Atteke
    Pudidy: scatter!! We need at least one survivor to return to our mothership!!
    (Pudidy gets fried.)
    Extra: O, how those evil black feathers scatter grimly!! Be purified!!
    Perseus: Owl!!
    (Stingray Cameo)
    Perseus: Keuk! What the hell's going on...!
    PBG: Insect. Your buzzing annoys me. Burn.
    Perseus: Damn it!
    (Perseus gets fried)
    PBG: Gir, do not allow their unclean corpses to fall within our sacred Mothership.
    (Gir throws a spear at Perseus, killing him)
    Holan: Lord Pudidy!! Lord Perseus!!
    PBG: Little bug, I shall spare you. You live. Take this filthy book back to your family. And let everyone in your family know -
    Holan: Wh... why this...!
    PBG: that while it takes an instant to fall to darkness, the pain that comes with it is permanant. And if you do see Traumerei, tell him this: While your audacity to approach our territory first is commendable, you will here be faced with a blazing hellfire. If you do not speak my words properly to him, you will burn to ash, tongue first. Now go. Go to your family. Be the herald spreading the disaster that is war.
    PBBellerir (monologue): A show. Yes. This is a clearly artificial show. The Po Bidau family has been traditional guardians of history and knowledge. What they hate the most is fabrication of history. Charging them with spreading it, this is a shallow show that serve to foster the animocity against the Lo Po Bia Family. Even without this show, none here would dare oppose a war that the Head of the Family desires. But right now, the Family head wants to start a war the family is at least a little more ready for. This war is such that the Family Head cares about something trivial like public opinion -
    PBB (out loud): How masterful, father. You lit the flames of war yourself.
    PBB (Monologue): A war of a magnitude never before seen. This war could see the end of one of the Ten Family Heads.

    Edited by alligatore3 - 20/2/2023, 11:02
  8. .
    Stagione 3, capitolo 134
    (Non è un preview, è la RAW coreana gratis)


    -Traumerei parla con Zahard, Traumerei dice che vuole usare Baam per uccidere Gustang, Traumerei ha incubi da quando ha saputo dell'esistenza di Baam e frammenti di ricordi lo perseguitano nonostante li abbia dati in pasto a leviathan
    -AA viene liberato da Rachel e Bellerir e portato in una villa dove dovrà leggere un libro. Il libro è un libro proibito sul principe di Zahard, Icaro.
    -Arriva l'FBI dei Po Bidau e arresta tutti per la lettura proibita, incluso AA. Bellerir fa sì che la colpa ricada sui Lo Po Bia, dicendo che sono stati loro a diffondere questo libro.
    -AA parla poi con Rachel che dice che Gustang sta per dichiarare guerra ai Lo Po Bia

    Narrator: Before the battle of the Nest

    Narrator: Lo Po Bia Mothership
    Lo Po Bia Traumerei: It's been a while, Zahard. /// It's Gustang, isn't it?
    Zahard: Yes.
    Traumerei: I heard the gist of it. // I heard he said there will be a divide.
    Zahard: That's a declaration of war. /// I heard from reports he's collecting the core of his troops at his mothership. /// It seems that Gustang thinks the Irregular that entered the Tower will be someone special like us. /// Traumerei, what do you think?
    Traumerei: ... I don't know. // But the moment I learned of the existence of that boy, my nightmares started again. /// I want to test him. /// But if you don't like that, Zahard...
    Zahard: No. // Test him. /// But Traumerei, // I would prefer it if this doesn't end up becoming a conflict bewtween the Zahard and the Po Bidau family. Then again, this incident is too big to move the Khun Family, Arie Family, or the Ha Family over for...
    LPBT: Got it. /// My family will face the Po Bidau family. // That's what you wanted, rigt? /// But I do have one condition.
    Zahard: Condition?
    Traumerei: I want to see the Irregular for myself. /// I want to test the Irregular // and if I can verify he really does have potential to become a being like us, ///
    Zahard: If you verify?
    Traumerei: I will take that Irregular- /// and use him for war against Gustang. /// I will wed him with the most fitting member of my family, // Make him my successor, /// And I will use him as a Thorn that isn't pointed against you but against him. /// That is my way.
    Zahard: Sure. Do as you please. /// But tell me more about your nightmares. // Do you still not remember?
    Traumerei: I can't. // I know it's a nightmare, but when I wake up, I can't remember the details. /// It's definitely a memory completely I fed to Leviathan, /// I wonder why they're resurfacing and making things difficult for me. /// I just don't know... /// What kind of a memory is it // that I'm suffering like this from it?

    Season 3 - Declaration of War

    Narrator: The Prison where Khun and the others are in.
    Khun AA: ... You're out here again.
    Hwaryeon: You're here again? // Did someone come to see you or something? /// Did you actually have any contact on the Po Bidau side?
    AA: I saw Rachel.
    Hwaryeon: ... Ah... // Why is she here?
    AA: I don't know. // It seems she found herself a pretty reliable sponsor here. /// She offtered to get me out of here. /// What about the others?
    Hwaryeon: Of course stuck in their rooms. // In this prison, the people in each cell can come out in rotations three hours a day // just 30 minutes, alone, in to the living room.
    AA: ... I don't know what sorcery you're using, but you seem to be out here whenever you want.
    Hwaryeon: Well, I am a guide. /// So why is Rachel offering to free you?
    AA: I don't know. She's not telling me anything, just offering to let me go. // I don't know what she's thinking... /// I'll have to get out to find out.
    Hwaryeon: Isn't that a good thing? // Once you get out, isn't it easy for you to deal with her?
    AA: ... No. For some reason, // I got a bad feeling about this.

    N: The Next Day
    AA: He's glaring at me so hard // His glare might break through those glasses.
    Po Bidau Bellerir: Hey kitty! /// Congrats on being a free man now! /// Now, shall we get going?
    AA: I really was freed. // Looks like this nutjob's got some connections.
    Rachel: Where should we go during the down time?
    Bellerir: Hmm... Well, we should get him dressed up. // Get him some perfume. /// He needs to look the part.
    Rachel: Alright then. Let's go to the shop first.
    AA: Hmm? /// "No War?" /// (Grafitti artists drawing on the wall) /// Is the war Ascencio was talking real? // Looks like the news is all over the mothership.... /// Of coruse they would be afraid, if they're hearing about the breakout of a war of a size they never experienced. /// Even for a family head, this would be pretty difficult to deal with...

    N: The Suit Shop
    Rachel: Woah...! /// What do you think?
    Bellerir: Perfect! /// The clean look really suits him.
    AA: What are they playing at here...

    N: Outskirts of the Po Bidau Mothership /// A mansion of a family upper class member.
    AA: This looks like the house of some bigwig /// Why bring me here? // You even bought me a tux for the occasion. /// Shouldn't you guys tell me what's going on now?
    Bellerir: It's a Book Recital
    KAA: What?
    Bellerir: You'll be reciting a book here tonight.

    Bellerir: Right now it's the Book recital season, so those who want to read a book but doesn't want to themselves // get handsome guys like you to recite a book in fancy mansions like this. // It's something those in the family with a lot of Suspendium to throw around like to do.
    AA: The Po Bidau Family Book recitals I know isn't known for being this fancy. // Held at a place free of distractions where one can clear their mind and focus on the book, // isn't that what the recitals are supposed to be like?
    PBB: That's why you get Book Recitals like these too. // Since there's boring rules like that in place, people end up wanting to break those rules. // Also, this recital is fun for another reason. // The book you'll be reciting today, at least in our family, /// Is a banned book.
    AA: What...?

    AA: What's this...? All these people are in masks... // Is this like a masquarade or something? /// And you want me to read this book to them? /// The book is about... /// Prince of Zahard...? // ...Icarus. /// This is...
    (Khun slams the book.)
    AA: Hey, you nasty boomers.
    (random Po Bidau lady: Oh my! How dashing and bold!
    AA: Sorry to say /// I can't read this disgusting delusional drivel. /// So if you really want to read this stuff, why don't you find a dark corner at read it yourselves. /// Who do you think I am, trying to get me to read this nonsense. /// Rachel!!
    (A distinct lack of Rachel)
    AA: ... Huh? /// She's not here?! /// Could it be...?!
    Extra1: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!
    Extra2: They're here!! /// Everyone put your hands up where we can see them!! /// This is the Public Order Task Force!!
    AA: What!?
    Extra2: This is an unauthorized Book Recital!! /// Arrest them all!!
    AA: This... this is a trap!!
    Extra2: Get them!!
    AA: Damn it. // If I get mistaken as the reader for a book like that // even as a member of the 10 families, I'll be done for!!
    Extra2: Get them!!
    AA: Rachel!! // You sly bitch!!

    N: The next day // In the Po Bidau Family mothership // Public Order Task Force Prison
    ???: The name's Khun Aguero Agnis.
    AA: Damn it...
    ???: He brought out a forbidden book from his light house // held a secret book recital where he would recite a forbidden book, saw the POTF /// Tried to run before getting caught.
    AA: I had a feeling Rachel released me only to fuck with me, // but I didn't know this was the direction she would have taken.
    ???: Continues to deny that he brought the forbidden book.
    AA: This is trouble... // Even if I'm a member of the 10 families, if I get framed for reading that crazy banned book /// I could get executed.
    ???: Any objections to what I have so far?
    AA: I've been keep telling you!! I'm not the one who brought the forbidden book!! // It was already there when I got there!!
    ???2: Hard at work I see!
    Po Bidau Bellerir: What do you think? // Just as I told you, right?
    AA: YOU!!
    Bellerir: I told you once we released him he'd show his true colors.
    AA: What?
    Bellerir: I'd made a proposal, you see. Let's release you first and see what kind of a person you are. /// We have very little information on what kind of people you are other than the fact that you were brought over from the Lo Po Bia by the our Family Head. // I thought you had some reason why you would seek an audience with him. // Right on the dot. /// You brought a banned book into our mothership...
    AA: This bastard...
    Bellerir: Is that what you wanted to approach our family head for? How bold. /// The rest of the Lo Po Bia family lackeys from the warp ship, they're in on this too, aren't they?
    AA: They're not just here to fuck me over.
    Bellerir: Those Lo Po Bia bastards // How long were they into the banned books for?
    AA: They want to use me, someone that came over from the Lo Po Bia Mothership // to create an animosity against the Lo Po Bia family...!
    Bellerir: Make sure to pass along the book to the Family Head as well.
    ???: Yes sir.
    Bellerir: Those Lo Po Bia are out of their minds...
    AA: So they could justify this war...!
    N: A few days later
    Rachel: After all I went through for you, you still ended up in prison again.
    AA: Rachel..!!
    Rachel: You've been questioned for a few days now, but I hear you haven't said anything after the first day. /// If you really are innocent, you'd say something, no?
    AA: Why should I? // They only asked the formalities, didn't torture or threaten anything. They just have me sit here all they and then send me to my room. /// The food here's great too. /// Since they already have a conclusion, and this is just a formality. Why should I bother clamoring I'm innocent, laying out all of my information? /// It's their family head that brought us here in the first place // If it's the family head that allowed you guys to pull this // There's nothing I can do anyway, right?
    Rachel: You know well.
    AA: Why me? // Sorry to say, but I'm not really related to the Lo Po Bia family, and I'm a child abandoned by the Khun Family. // It's pointless to use someone like me for this kind of a job.
    Rachel: "Why me" you ask... // Aren't you just being full of yourself?
    AA: What?
    Rachel: I pulled this last minute just to mess with you. // Even if it wasn't you, we would have had someone sitting there anyway. // You really are full of self love, aren't you? /// This is all just for show. Just some literary set up for a future book recital. // Since you ended up coming over here from the Lo Po Bia family // You were the one who ended up in that seat. // There's no specific reason why it had to be you.
    AA: SO what's with the book? // A prince of Zahard... And the ten families. // It didn't look made up last minute. // The sentences were refined and detailed. /// Did you find that book?
    Rachel: Beats me. // A prince of Zahard, like that exists... // Must be nonsense. // Any other questions?
    AA: How did you get in here?
    Rachel: It was all a coincidence. Somehow I met the family head here, and after that I was introduced to the vice commander of the ship, and I've been helping him since.
    AA: Helpting him start a war?
    Rachel: I'm not that that great of a person, but maybe close? // And since I'm answering your questions, let me ask you one too.
    Rachel: Where is Baam? /// I heard he disappeared after the Battle of the Nest.
    AA: I don't know. // I know he's alive, so don't worry about that. // But I really don't know.
    Rachel: You're all talk except when it matters. // Well, anyway. The word about you reciting a forbidden book's now spread across the mothership. // Since a Warpship came over from the Lo Po Bia family at perfect timing // The family head doesn't have a reason to particularly care about the public opinion // but at least he wants a war that his people will support. // The mood is set, and he will soon personally hold a book recital. // He canceled the last one out of the blue, so they're only starting it up again now. // Anyway, in that important book recital where the family head is going to read a book personally, // The family head, as everyone in the Mothership is watching // Will declare total war against the Lo Po Bia family. // an official declaration of war.
    AA: ... Declaration of War! // Are we really having a war between the Ten Families?
  9. .
    No, ma le pause di TOG sono sempre così prive di notizie.
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    Non si sa, probabilmente come l'altra volta verrà annunciato solo un paio di settimane prima della fine della pausa.
  11. .
    SIU dovrebbe trovarsi un editor e insieme a lui pianificare meglio la storia.

    Le idee per le saghe le ha e sono pure belle, ma si perde sempre durante la realizzazione e spesso inserisce cose che poi non vanno da nessuna parte (vedi in questa saga i sottoposti di Lyborick, l'Hybrider, regole della torre del gatto dimenticate, Kallavan vs Lyborick, Pudidy che appare ma ha lasciato il gufo quando 2 capitoli prima dice che bisogna essere pronti alla morte, Dowon che deve uccidere Lyborick e poi non fa niente...)

    Cioè con la prima stagione aveva provato di riuscire a farcela anche da solo, ma si vede che negli ultimi anni arranca.

    La maggior parte delle critiche si concentrano sui disegni, almeno in Corea, che invece per me è qualcosa di secondario.
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    Confermo la pausa per tempo indefinito per ora.
    Non si tratta però di problemi fisici però, ma principalmente il pianificare il nuovo arco narrativo + "problemi personali".

    Stagione 3, capitolo 133


    -Belerir guarda Koon e dice che "i vecchi pieni di sospendio" pagherebbero una bella cifra per lui.
    Belerir dice allora che lo farà uscire di prigione.
    -Yama continua a pestare quel tizio, e senza accorgersene lo trasforma in un cane.
    Quando escono le orecchie a Pitez gli ibridi vengono di nuovo controllati, al che Yama lo uccide e li ferma (immagino SIU volesse mostrare come il buff di Yama sia particolarmente potente rispetto a quello di Doom).
    Yama dice di voler combattere i Lo Po Bia e chiede agli ibridi di unirsi a lui.
    Arriva una nave dei LPB per prendere gli ibridi e Yama e gli altri dicono di nascondersi tra la folla per ora.
    -Traumerei parla con Kirin. Traumerei gli dice che Baam ha assorbito Leviathan, che possiede i ricordi che Traumerei ha abbandonato, quindi deve avere Baam sotto controllo.
    Kirin dice che forse Traum aveva già pensato al fatto che Baam avrebbe potuto assorbire Leviathan ed è per questo che l'ha fatto venire al Nido, Traumerei non risponde.
    -Baam chiede a Traumerei di poter partecipare al torneo ed essere libero se vincerà, Traumerei accetta ma mette una condizione.
    La storia del torneo e del matrimonio era stata detta solo a pochi LPB selezionati, qualcuno però ha fatto trapelare la notizia, che ha raggiunto diverse famiglie.
    -Androssi riceve notizia del torneo e decide di andare, nonostante Anak le dica che si tratta di una trappola.
    -Lo Po Bia Ren (della prima stagione), introdotto qui come parte delle guardie reali di Zahard, legge la notizia e parla con qualcuno (probabilmente il leader della DIR/RED).
    Il suo capo gli dice di non fare niente finché non avranno confermato le notizie, ma Ren pensa che non se ne starà fermo e ucciderà Jyu Viole Grace con le sue mani.
    -"fine dell'arco del Nido"
    -annuncio della pausa


    Edited by alligatore3 - 12/7/2022, 20:07
  14. .
    Non è detto che Belerir non sia un High Ranker, SIU ha scritto ranker della famiglia Po Bidau ma teoricamente anche gli HR sono ranker. Di solito scrive High Ranker però.

    Comunque sul coreano c'è anche la famiglia Ha tra le più forti, alphascans se la sarà persa per strada.
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